Holding Everyone Else

dc.contributor.authorMullins, Sarah
dc.description.abstractHolding Everyone Else is a collection of poems divided into four sections that address a southern upbringing, reconciling one’s self with one’s upbringing, familial relationships, loss, and coming to terms with how all of that contributes to one’s own identity. Each level of grief or trauma is met with a handshake, at times, of lightheartedness, and at others, of a raw interiority that allows the reader to feel as though they are experiencing the trauma fresh on the page. Like turning the pages of a family album, these poems tell the behind the scenes stories – the consequences and the healing that eventually comes. The collection contains mostly first-person, narrative style poems with a few interwoven explorations into lyric. The collection mostly moves chronologically, allowing the poems to reveal the growth and maturity of the speaker, inviting in the reader in a warm and relatable manner.
dc.titleHolding Everyone Else