Impacts of Social Networking Sites in Real Life: Is the Profile a Tool of the Real Life Self?

dc.contributor.advisorKopfman, Jenifer
dc.contributor.committeeMemberDavis, Julie
dc.contributor.committeeMemberBenigni, Vincent
dc.creatorMelissa, Grossman
dc.description.abstractPeople actively engage in identity management every day to present the self that is most desirable to a particular audience. The Internet has created a unique environment of anonymity, which allows identity experimentation with multiple selves. Social networking sites provide a nonymous environment, which still maintains some aspects that encourage identity exploration, but with a level of accountability that is reflected in users' real lives. This study utilized an anonymous online survey, examining how social networking site users engage in audience management as a way of conducting personal online identity experiments and identity re-creation in real life as a direct result of feedback received online. Results show users actively engage in audience management through privacy settings and experience real life changes as a result of social networking site activities.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCollege of Charleston. Graduate School; College of Charleston. Department of Communication.en_US
dc.subjectOnline social networks -- Psychological aspects; Identity (Psychology)en_US
dc.titleImpacts of Social Networking Sites in Real Life: Is the Profile a Tool of the Real Life Self?en_US