Semantic Web, service oriented computing, and the standards that bind them
Thomas, Robert W.
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The World Wide Web is continuously evolving. Even now Web 2.0, characterized by capabilities such as user generated content, social networking, and mash-up programs, is transitioning to the budding Web 3.0, also known as the Semantic Web. Concurrent with the evolution of the Web, the Service Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm continues to develop. SOC is characterized by modular components and services that can be composed to create new functionality with minimal rework. The progression of SOC and the Semantic Web are intertwined, largely due to the fact that Web services, the predominant service delivery platform in SOC, leverages the infrastructure of the Internet. Additionally, SOC and Semantic Web technologies are interoperable due to their use of complementary standards. The more familiar SOC standards, such as WSDL, SOAP, HTTP and UDDI, are complemented by Semantic Web standards like RDF, OWL and most recently SPARQL, which achieved recommendation status in January 2008. This thesis explores work done to incorporate advanced features of SPARQL into an existing Service Composition Engine (SCE) application. The goal of this work was to increase the overall efficiency of the SCE, as well as to gain a better understanding of the intricacies of the relationship among SOC, the Semantic Web, and the various standards that affect them.
Information science; Computer science; Service-oriented architecture (Computer science); Semantic web