Empathy Mediates the Relationship between Mindfulness and Well-Being

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Szer, Rebecca
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This study analyzed how empathy mediates the relationship between mindfulness and the three measures of well-being: positive affect, negative affect, and life satisfaction. Participants were recruited from a small university, local yoga studios, and community centers in the southeastern part of the United States. Participants filled out a questionnaire packet that contained FFMQ, EQ, MCSDS, PANAS, Satisfaction with Life scales, and a demographics survey. By using a mediation model, we found that empathy was a significant mediator between mindfulness and positive affect. However, empathy was not a significant mediator between mindfulness and negative affect or mindfulness and life satisfaction. These findings, if expanded upon, could be beneficial to future psychotherapy programs by increasing their treatment success rates.
Psychology, Mindfulness, Empathy, Well-Being